Preeclampsia – Pregnancy Intoxication Diagnosis and Treatment
January 30, 2024Caesarean Section
February 2, 2024Preeclampsia – Pregnancy Intoxication Diagnosis and Treatment
January 30, 2024Caesarean Section
February 2, 2024Surgical Treatment Options for Fibroids
Fibroids are benign masses frequently seen in women. The age range in fibroids, which are less likely to be seen in adolescence and adulthood, are usually seen is between 30-40. It can develop in very small fibroids, as well as fibroids with a size of 20 cm. Generally, asymptomatic fibroids can be noticed by complaints or routine controls according to the region, size and number of fibroids in the uterus.
Fibroid Symptoms and Causes
Fibroids do not show any symptoms and can usually be noticed during gynecological examinations. Apart from routine physician control, the following conditions may be the symptoms of fibroids:
- Excessive and prolonged menstrual bleeding,
- Occasional bleeding,
- Frequent urge to urinate and difficulty emptying urine,
- Feeling of constipation or frequent defecation,
- Recurrent miscarriages,
- Palpable mass in the abdomen,
- Infertility
- Painful sexual intercourse,
- Genetic factors.
The causes of fibroids have not been determined exactly. It is very well known that; these tumors are estrogen dependent and they grow between menarche and menopause. Genetic factors are also thought to be effective in the formation of fibroids.
Surgical Treatment Options for Fibroids
In the treatment of fibroids, the surgical procedure will be chosen according to the severity of the symptoms, the size, number and location of the fibroids, the patient's age, menopausal status and whether or not she wants pregnancy.
Image-1: Surgical treatment options for fibroids
Surgical procedure gives definitive results in the treatment of fibroids.
Myomectomy surgery
Myomectomy is a surgical method applied for women who do not want to lose their fertility and ensures the preservation of the uterus. It is a surgical procedure to remove fibroids directly from the uterine wall without removing the uterus. It is performed in the form of closed or open surgery. With the laparoscopic method, the operation is performed with a very small incision and the patient recovers quickly and returns to his routine life in a short time. The handicap of the laparoscopic myomectomy is morcellation (dividing of the myomas to small particles) and may cause spread of the myoma cells or if there is cancer cell into the abdominal cavity. There are some reports suggest this complication.
Fibroids growing into the inner cavity of the uterus can also be cut and removed with special devices by entering through the cervix with another method called hysteroscopy.
With the myomectomy method, fibroids may usually remove completely.
Hysterectomy surgery
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is a surgical method applied to completely eliminate fibroids. It is a method of completely removing fibroids together with the uterus. With the removal of the uterus, the person permanently loses the ability to reproduction. This treatment method is generally preferred by people who do not respond to drug treatment, are past the age of birth or do not intend to have children. It is performed in the form of open or closed surgery.