Uterine Prolapse – Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
January 28, 2024Trimester – 3 Month Periods During Pregnancy
January 28, 2024Uterine Prolapse – Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
January 28, 2024Trimester – 3 Month Periods During Pregnancy
January 28, 2024Pregnancy and Myoma - Risks, Follow-up and Treatment
Myomas are masses that arise from the uterine muscle and are very common in women. Myomas, which are seen in one in four women during the reproductive period, can cause various problems during and after pregnancy. Myomas may grow faster due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Myomas begin to grow faster and can reach a size twice or more than their pre-pregnancy size. This situation paves the way for the emergence of some risks during and after pregnancy.
Risks Caused by Myomas During Pregnancy
Although myomas, which are frequently seen in women, do not usually cause problems, the risks they pose vary depending on the region where the myoma is located, its size and number. Especially during pregnancy, myomas that grow into the uterus can cause various risks for the mother and the baby. Risks that myomas may cause during pregnancy;
- Difficulty getting pregnant or infertility,
- Miscarriage or premature birth,
- Difficult labour or cesarean delivery,
- Abnormal positioning of the fetus,
- Developmental disorder in the fetus,
- Low birth weight,
- Uterine rupture,
- Premature separation of the placenta,
- Postpartum bleeding.
Myomas that grow into the uterus can prevent the embryo (fertilized egg) attaching to the uterus, causing difficulty in getting pregnancy and infertility.
Depending on their location, myomas can also cause miscarriage, difficult birth, and an increase in the amount of postpartum bleeding.
While myomas may prevent the uterus from recovering quickly after birth, they also increase the risk of surgery.
Myoma Follow-up and Treatment During Pregnancy
If individuals who decide to become pregnant take various precautions before becoming pregnant, many problems that may occur during pregnancy will be prevented. Follow-up or treatment of myomas detected during a gynecological check-up before pregnancy will minimize the risks caused by myomas that will arise during pregnancy.
Follow-up and treatment of myomas should be patient-specific and based on the location, size and number of myomas. Myomas are divided into various types according to their location. There are various types of myomas, located inside the uterine wall, just under the membrane covering the outside of the uterus, outside the uterus, or attached to the uterus with a root.
Expectant mothers diagnosed with myoma during pregnancy are followed closely. Small-sized myomas usually do not cause any complaints in the patient and are detected incidentally can be followed up without any treatment. The pain caused by myomas will be relieved with fluid support, painkillers that do not harm pregnancy, and pain-relieving applications. If myomas pose very serious risks during pregnancy, surgical procedure may be considered. However, myoma removal operations are very rarely performed during pregnancy due to possible complications. Myomas, which are first detected during pregnancy, are generally monitored carefully for possible risks and treatment is left until postpartum period.
"What is Myoma and How Does It Form?" You can access our article titled here .