Pregnancy Process – Baby Development by Months
January 28, 2024Urinary Incontinence in Women – Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
January 28, 2024Pregnancy Process – Baby Development by Months
January 28, 2024Urinary Incontinence in Women – Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
January 28, 2024Common Pain and Complaints of Pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most important and beautiful periods of time that women would experience. It is the most basic wish of the expectant mother to go through this process smoothly, and happily. Although the general part of the pregnancy passes smoothly and as desired, some discomfort may occur in this process. One should not panic as there are solutions to these problems. Some of these ailments are as follows;
Nausea and Vomiting
Morning sickness and vomiting can be seen during pregnancy. Fat-free, solid and dry foods should be preferred to alleviate nausea and vomiting problems, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Products such as boiled potatoes, chickpeas, salted crackers, etc. can be consumed. Eating too much should be avoided.
Food odors should be avoided and heavy perfumes and deodorants should not be used.
Back and Low Back Pain
Although back and low back pain complaints are rarely seen in the first trimesters of pregnancy, they are generally seen frequently in the last trimester of pregnancy. The causes of back and low back pain in the first trimester of pregnancy can be related relaxant hormones and body structure. In the following periods, as a result of the shift of the center of gravity forward with the weight gain of the baby, the back muscles begin to strain and pain occurs in the back and waist region. In addition, the pain increases as a result of the mother's weight gain. Uncontrolled weight gain should be prevented with the recommendations of the physician.
Image-1: Controlled exercise during pregnancy
Necessary advice should be taken from the physician to minimize back and low back pain. Controlled exercises and a number of changes in habits will reduce pain.
Constipation and Lazy Intestines
Problems such as constipation and intestinal laziness occur as a result of the slowing down of the movements of the digestive system during pregnancy and at the same time the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines. In order to prevent constipation and intestinal laziness, fibrous foods should be consumed and plenty of fluids should be taken. Up to 8-10 glasses of fluid intake is suggested generally in a day and this amount is suggested to be increased in summer. If there is a complaint of constipation in the later stages of pregnancy, plenty of water, fibrous foods, vegetables and salad should be included in meals. At the same time, the problem can be prevented by taking regular walks.
Cramps, Numbness and Tingling
Pressure of the enlarged uterus on the organs, weight gain, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause cramps, tingling and numbness in the body. Doing exercises under the control of a physician, not being inactive for a long time, paying attention to nutrition and exercise patterns, and not standing too much will alleviate these problems.
Frequent Urination and Urinary Incontinence
With the growth of the uterus, pressure is also placed on the organs in the pelvic region. One of them is the bladder. With the pressure, the bladder is exposed, the frequency of urination increases. Even urinary incontinence problems may occur. In order to prevent this situation, a physician should be checked and problems should be alleviated with pelvic floor exercises according to the advice of the physician.
Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infections are common during pregnancy. In cases such as burning or pain and pain during urination, dark and smelly urine, itching in the genital area, a physician should be consulted immediately.
To minimize the risk of urinary tract infection, it is necessary not to hold urine, wear cotton underwear, and not use unhygienic toilets.
Anemia may occur due to iron deficiency during pregnancy.
Iron deficiency in pregnant women; It can cause problems such as weakness, exhaustion, sleep, palpitations and shortness of breath, as well as increase risks such as premature birth and failure to growth of the baby.
After performing the necessary tests, the physician will treat iron deficiency with iron pills, iron solutions or intravenous applications, depending on the situation.
In addition, in order to minimize iron deficiency, importance should be given to the consumption of foods such as molasses, raisins, red meat, etc.
Swelling in the Feet and Hands
If the body retains too much fluid from the kidneys and stores it during pregnancy, it can cause swelling and edema in the hands and feet. Swelling on the face, except for the hands and feet, is very important. In order to minimize swelling and edema, it is necessary not to stand for a long time. When resting, the feet should be raised slightly. Attention should be paid to the diet and protein-rich foods should be consumed.
Increase in sweating
With pregnancy, the increase in fluid and blood in the body can cause sweating. At the same time, pregnancy-related weight gain can also increase sweating. Although it can be seen in every period of pregnancy, an increase can be seen at the last trimester.
Some precautions can be taken against sweating. Comfortable and cotton clothes should be worn. Not much time should be spent in hot weather and hot environments, and plenty of water should be consumed.
Shortness of breath can be seen due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the lungs. In order to reduce complaints, it is necessary not to do very strenuous work and to pay attention to sitting and lying positions.
Heartburn - Reflux
Reflux, one of the most common digestive problems, and also one of the complaints seen during pregnancy. The uterus, which expands during pregnancy, puts pressure on the stomach and increases reflux complaints. In addition, the relaxation of the muscles between the oesophagus and stomach due to hormonal changes also causes reflux during pregnancy. In order to reduce reflux complaints, attention should be paid to the diet, acidic, fatty and spicy foods that trigger reflux should be avoided. Since the position can also be effective for reflux while lying down at night, efforts should be made to keep the head slightly elevated.
Gestational Diabetes
In expectant mothers who do not have diabetes, gestational diabetes may occur. In case of gestational diabetes, diabetes should be followed up under regular physician control. Blood sugar level will be controlled with changes to be made in the diet in accordance with physician's advice. Gestational diabetes is diagnosed by sugar screening/diagnostic tests (oral glucose tolerance tests) performed during pregnancy, and then target blood glucose levels are tried to be obtained with diet or, if necessary, insulin.
Apart from those listed above, cracks in the chest, abdomen and hip area, increased vaginal discharge, and stains on the skin are other common complaints. In order to minimize stretch marks, importance should be given to a healthy diet and controlled sports. Changes in hormone levels can cause increased vaginal discharge. Discharge is normal, but in case of color, smell and itching, the physician should be informed.
In addition to frequently encountering these ailments, expectant mothers may also be exposed to emotional changes. Worries about the baby, the course of pregnancy, stressful situations in life, social and economic factors, etc. can cause increased anxiety and various problems for the mother and baby. It can cause negativities in the mother due to stress, such as constant fatigue, fatigue, inability to focus, irregular nutrition, sleep disorders, etc. In order to minimize stress factors, it is important to think positively, eat healthy, get enough rest, sleep regularly, do controlled sports, talk to friends and get psychotherapy support if necessary. In this regard, the father-to-be and the environment also have great duties.